Cognitive Biases in Describing Biological Evolution: A Study of Popular Science and Social Media

By Calum Sims, PhD Philosophy candidate, School of Arts

In the penultimate entry to our series spotlighting PGR summer internship projects, PhD Philosophy candidate Calum Sims tells us about working with Professor Samir Okasha to study the ways biological evolution is explained on social media. Taking for their subject crows, jays and ravens—birds known for their remarkable cognitive abilities—the pair examined Instagram videos to identify evidence for the presence or absence of bias when describing their behaviours, an important question in the study of philosophy of science.

Do you watch shorts and reels on social media? If, like me, you participate in this recently emerging trend, you have likely come across videos of animals. Carrying on the lineage from shows like ‘Animals do the craziest things’ and ‘Animal Planet’, videos abound of animals doing attention-grabbing stuff. Sometimes they’re being silly; sometimes they’re being cute; sometimes they’re being remarkably intelligent. What makes these videos attention-grabbing? What, if anything, do these videos have in common? And, perhaps most importantly, what effect do they have on popular understanding of scientific ideas?

Professor Samir Okasha and I chose to focus on corvids (crows, jays and ravens) because they are both prevalent on social media and a key research topic at the forefront of animal cognition. In this field, researchers document the ‘surprisingly intelligent’ behaviour of corvids and debate the nature of the cognitive machinery supposed to support it.

Corvids engage in a range of behaviours that suggest cognitive similarity to humans. To give a few examples:

  • They engage in pair-bonding ‘rituals’
  • They interact with other species for mutual benefit
  • They cache food in a way that is sensitive to the presence (and perhaps intentions) of members of the same species
  • They successfully solve multi-step puzzles for food rewards

Debate concerns whether the exhibition of these behaviours warrants attributing human-like cognitive capacities to corvids, and while intellectual currents seem to be moving in the ‘yes’ direction, the question is far from settled. Hence, we were curious to see whether videos of corvids on Instagram reflected this complexity, and hence how they bear on popular understanding of scientific ideas.

It soon became apparent that the videos, which showed animals engaged in surprising and interesting behaviours, contained some well-known biases that traditional biology education normally attempts to mitigate away. In somewhat romantic fashion, the language in the videos treated the animal’s behaviour in anthropomorphic, teleological and essentialist terms: that is, it uncritically assumed that the behaviours on display were caused by the animals having certain intentions and goals and acting for the same sorts of reasons as humans.

This allowed us to connect our research to a prominent debate in the philosophy of science education concerning whether this sort of language use should be conceptualised as ‘biased’. The patterns of speaking outlined above (which, according to the debate, could either be called ‘biases’ or ‘cognitive construals’) lead systematically to errors in biological thinking. Because of this, researchers have traditionally attempted to structure science education in such a way as to eliminate them. However, a growing counter-current argues that these thinking patterns, while sometimes problematic, are a useful and maybe even essential part of human reasoning, to be accommodated by educational strategies rather than eliminated from them.

The novelty of our contribution consists in applying this question to the domain of social media. Here, biases appear to have a dual role: they seem to get in the way of good biological thinking, but they also seem to drive attention and engagement towards scientific topics. So, how do we get the good without getting the bad? A prominent line of reasoning (Coley and Tanner 2012) suggests that supplementing these construals with opportunities for reflection and critical analysis – essentially, asking viewers to reconstruct, query and debate their explanations of behaviour – could improve scientific understanding without detracting from engagement. We concluded by suggesting that such interventions could be made in the descriptions of the videos in question, by pointing to areas of uncertainty in the research field or asking questions to viewers directly.

On the whole, this project was incredibly useful for clarifying the role of social media in science communication and beginning to systematise the contribution of videos to this goal. Going forward, we will continue to look at ways that boosting metacognition can help to promote the benefits outlined above.

Calum Sims is a PhD Philosophy candidate with research interests in animal cognition, metacognition and cultural evolution. To find out more about the project with Professor Samir Okasha and view the data captured as part of the research, please contact To read more PGR summer internship projects, visit ArtsMatter.

Pioneering Research to Understand the Past: AHRC Centre for Chemical Characterisation in Heritage Science (C3HS)

By Dr Lucy Cramp, Dr Tim Knowles, Professor Ian Bull, Dr Mélanie Roffet-Salque, Professor Richard Evershed, Professor Tim Elliott and Dr Jamie Lewis

A team of University of Bristol researchers, led by Dr Lucy Cramp in the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, have been awarded a £1m grant from the AHRC to establish a new Centre for Chemical Characterisation in Heritage Science (C3HS). Bringing together expertise in Archaeology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences, the Centre will help to determine the origin of heritage objects and materials, leading to informed conservation strategies and impactful discoveries about the past.

The University of Bristol have received a £1m capital investment grant to establish a world-leading facility that will welcome diverse research and researchers from across the heritage sector, enhancing its analytical capabilities in the process. New cutting-edge analytical instrumentation for high resolution organic molecular analysis will enable enhanced and reliable identification and structural characterisation of organic compounds in complex mixtures, such as pottery residues and organic components of pigments, binders and balms. A new preparative capillary gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer will facilitate the separation, collection and structural verification of individual archaeological compounds in sufficient quantities for radiocarbon dating, whilst newly refurbished lasers in the School of Earth Sciences will be used for the measurement of isotopic signals from different points during the formation of archaeological teeth at high temporal resolution.

These advancements will be made possible thanks to the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) recently announcing a new funding programme to establish infrastructure for heritage science and conservation in the UK. The aim of this programme is to enhance the UK capability and capacity for heritage science, and in so doing, bring new knowledge on heritage collections, buildings, landscapes and data. As part of this programme, AHRC announced a major funding call for host facilities and equipment across the UK, to open up access to specialist knowledge, equipment and collections across the heritage sector.

Dr Mélanie Roffet-Salque (left) and Professor Richard Evershed (right) weigh out powdered pottery sherd for lipid extraction.

Here at the University of Bristol, we have a long history of driving forwards pioneering mass spectrometric methodologies, and have exceptional capabilities for molecular and isotope analyses, in the heritage sciences. We have expertise and infrastructure that spans and integrates three schools and two faculties: the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology in the School of Arts (ALSS), the Organic Geochemistry Unit in the School of Chemistry and the Bristol Isotope Group housed in the School of Earth Sciences (SEng). Facilities include an ultra-compact, high-precision radiocarbon accelerator. The Bristol Radiocarbon Accelerator Mass Spectrometry facility (BRAMS) was established by the School of Chemistry as a UoB/NERC/BBSRC-funded national facility in 2016 and is housed in the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology. This has led to major methodological developments, including the capability to radiocarbon date individual preserved fatty acids from food residues extracted from archaeological pottery.

Left: Bristol Radiocarbon Accelerator Mass Spectrometry facility (BRAMS), led by the School of Chemistry and housed in the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology. Right: an archaeological potsherd being cleaned prior to extraction of ancient lipids for analysis.

Across the Schools of Chemistry, Arts and Earth Sciences, we have laboratories and instrumentation for highly sensitive analysis of molecular and isotopic signals held in archaeological materials, including ancient food residues preserved in pottery, climatic signals held in historical parchments, pigments and binders used in works of art and the composition of mummy balms from ancient Egypt. The Bristol Isotope Group uses world-leading mass spectrometric instrumentation to explore intra-lifetime patterns in human and animal diet and mobility from isotope signatures in biological remains. Recent major discoveries by the project team include establishing the palaeoecological range of honeybees exploited by the earliest farmers of Neolithic Europe, Near East and North Africa from beeswax residues in pottery, identifying the earliest-discovered lipid signatures for cereal use, along with milk, from 6000 year old Scottish ‘crannogs’ (artificial or semi-artificial ‘islets’) and the detailed analysis of milk use in prehistory to provide a new theory for its relationship with the evolution of the ability to digest milk (lactase persistence) that exists amongst modern-day populations.

There is a major demand for access to these approaches to characterise, provenance and date organic materials, and this new infrastructure will open-up access to advanced instrumentation that does not exist together elsewhere. The expertise within the Centre team will support the development of the highest quality projects and research excellence, drawing in the research potential from developer-funded archaeology and the wider heritage sector beyond academia

Dr Jim Williams, Historic England (project partner)

We will shortly be appointing new staff to join the team and over the next 24 months, we will be installing, testing and verifying protocols on our new instruments installed in our laboratories and undertaking refurbishments to existing systems to enhance performance. From 2026 we will be ready to offer access to a facility for single- and multi-molecular and isotope mass spectrometry approaches that can be applied to heritage materials to further understand their composition, origins and age. In addition to the analytical facilities, we will provide access to the latest methods and protocols we develop, as well as providing training, analytical and interpretative support. The ability to coordinate these major types of mass spectrometry analysis will simplify the route to molecular and isotope analyses, unlocking new, ambitious and scientifically-rigorous research on heritage collections.

Dr Lucy Cramp is Associate Professor in Archaeology with research interests in ancient biomolecules, dietary traditions and prehistoric subsistence strategies. The AHRC Centre for Chemical Characterisation (C3HS) is part of the Research Infrastructure for Conservation and Heritage Science (RICHeS) programme, funded by the UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council through the UKRI Infrastructure Fund. To find out more about it, please contact Read our press announcement to find out more about the AHRC investment.